I've just been thinking about how we all need laughter in our lives at some point and time. My sister-in-law and I were talking about spiritual men and how they sometimes get so into theology that they forget to have a personality. She knew one who lost his sense of humor, was dull and viewed everything as a sin because of his study of Scripture. Interesting to think about as we all desire to dig deeper into God's Word.
At what point do we forget life and living and just focus on the study of God? And is that wrong? Just a little something I've been thinking on tonight.
My own thought is that we need each other and staying locked away in a room studying will only make us...well...weird. There's really no other word for it.
We need interaction with other believers who will hold us accountable and even unbelievers who will challenge us. We seem to be social creatures who desire fellowship at some point and time, though I know that there are times we desire quiet as well.
We need to receive love and give love. There's just something about seeing someone you love, especially when they are 5 months old and smile at every word you say.
We need laughter. You can have a thousand troubles that plague you, but they seem so distant when you laugh with someone. Even if it is for just a moment. Laughter loosens you up. Laughter makes a heavy heart light. Laughter with a person is a forever memory.
I can't explain why this has been on my heart this evening. But I do delight in looking back and laughing again at the memories.
2 years ago
Couldn't agree more! I'm glad we laugh together. And don't forget hugs!
By the way, Mark's shoe had lost its squeak until he walked in the snow to church in Nebraska - it's back. Poor Squeakers. We were correct, once again, this morning to refer to him as "Squeakers".
Hi, I'm a blogger friend of Stacey and stopped your blog for a bit. I agree with you, laughter really is good for the soul. I visited a friend this weekend, whom I haven't seen in about three years (or more!) and we immediately started cracking up with one another. It was like old times, as though no time had passed at all!
I found you through staceystace and I just wanted to say you are so right that we are social creatures. I am blessed with a wonderful group of women that meet every monday night. In fact, so blessed that I think I'm inspired to post about them at some point.
Nice to meet you!
Thank you ladies for your sweet comments! I love laughing.
It's nice to meet you both!
Yes, it will be so wonderful being in perfect peace, that coming back to this earth would be even more painful than it is now - having known what it is to be free of sin. I can not even imagine that...free from all sin, the curse - gone.
I know my thoughts were heavier today than I had anticipated. Last night I could not stop laughing about the "episode" at church. I wondered what my face must have looked like, as Ben said I looked totally freaked out! Funny, funny - well kind of. Just a bit weird, too!
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