I know my blog url address is a bit long and my title seems a bit odd so I thought I'd explain myself since I did actually put some thought into my choices. My reasons:
1. I like them. Do I need a better reason than that?
2. I see now that they spark conversation and I'm pretending that that was one my original reasons for choosing them.
3. When you suffer, whether with pain, loneliness, loss, emotional strain, depression (and I could go on with reasons to suffer)...you start to thinking. Sometimes you get to thinking about things you shouldn't.
When I have a bad day of hurting and I feel completely worn out, I wonder if God is even paying attention to me, if He even notices that I don't feel good. I know it's a silly thing to wonder, but in my flesh, I think it. Sadly, it usually occurs to me, after the fact, that God is there and He does care and He is paying attention. And that thought seems to come later, at church, or listening to my music long after my pity party has passed. So the url is a reminder for me and came from the last verse of the hymn Jesus I Am Resting, Resting...
"Ever lift Thy face upon me as I work and wait for thee;
Resting 'neath Thy smile, Lord Jesus, earth's dark shadows flee.
Brightness of my Father's glory, sunshine of my Father's face,
Keep me ever trusting, resting, fill me with Thy grace."
As I suffer, and as you suffer, we must, must remember that we are ever 'neath His smile; which is a wonderful thing to remember when our thoughts are of nothing good. And we should remember that "earth's dark shadows" do flee, though at the time we feel like they don't, or won't, or can't.
The title of my blog is another hymn that I'm not going to quote because of all the verses and I don't think I could pick just one verse. Abide With Me is the title of that hymn and once again it reminds me that there isn't a moment when He isn't near. If I ever feel He's far away it's because of my own thoughts, sins, emotions...not because He isn't actually near. I love the psalms, but there are some hymns that just speak my heart and speak to my heart in ways that I can't seem to put into words.
Those are my three reasons for my rather long url and odd blog title. Aren't you glad you know now?
Are you resting 'neath His smile?
2 years ago
I like this...GREAT reminder. It seems that I can be going along, awash in the goodness of God and then BAM! out of nowhere I am wondering how I got into such a state of being of disbelief.
The way that I came upon the story behind "It Is Well With My Soul" recently (you know I told you how much it made me cry?) was that I was searching for it because I thought the words I could remember described what was going on in my soul - (when the billows over me roll)- and then I read the horrors of this author's life and was heartbroken over his pain and how little mine actually was in comparison. I am with you on those hymns. :)
Those billows are rough no matter if they're little or big. You just can't compare billows.
Those hymns are written by people like you and me. Trying to life a Christian life. Failing often, miserably at times. Yet never completely despairing. Except they say it better.
Thanks for understanding. I'm thinking on the meaning of beautiful right now after the pastor's sermon.
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