Friday, November 7, 2014

A Nice Quiet Shower, Please

This mommy just wants a shower.
A nice quiet, hot shower. With no interruptions.

Since I have two kiddos, a quiet, long shower is a thing of the past. I just can't seem to find a solution.
Here's what I've tried.

1. Both kids sleeping.
Doesn't work. One of them will wake up. Always.

2. Sister in her bed (a mini-crib) and Jud roaming.
Doesn't work. Jud throws things in her bed that she can "play" with...daddy's shoes, a clothespin, all of his blankets and snuggies, his vacuum cleaner, all of his diapers.

3. Jud in his bed and sister in her bed.
Doesn't work. He tosses things at her. And if you don't put things in his bed to play with, he'll shake his bed, yell and bang on the wall. We have neighbors. I'm pretty sure they don't like us.

4. Jud roaming and sister in the travel cot.
Doesn't work. He will still "give" her things to play with. She will still cry. He will still be disciplined.

5. Jud in the travel cot.
He climbs out.
6. Jud roaming and sister in HIS bed. (he has a regular size crib and it's harder to get to her...I thought.)
I thought this was the best idea since sliced bread. I got a 10 minute shower before I had to get out and discipline a little boy for shoving things through the rungs and tossing them as high as he could to get them in the bed. She had every pacifier we own, but she didn't seem appreciative. Not to mention, when I told him to just come in the bathroom with mommy, he took that to mean, get mommy's shoes and put them under the running water.

All of these suggestions also include stopping to discipline a little boy. He doesn't get to do these things and get away with them. But he sure can come up with lots of ideas on how to get mommy's attention.
-flush the toilet...over and over and over
-unroll the toilet paper
-carry around the plunger and toilet brush...maybe give it to sister
-gather up all the rugs and put them in the closet
-somehow reach the tooth brushes and put them in the trash
-take all the dirty clothes out of the hamper and throw them around in the bathroom
-empty the the tub

Sometimes I wonder if it's just my child. Sometimes I wonder if I was the same way.

Any ideas to help?

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

I'm Ba-a-a-a-a-ack!

For those of you who cared/read my blog/are interested, I've decided to take up blogging again. Because I have all this free time now.


Seriously. I have no free time. And since you're dying to know, I'll tell you why.

I got married 2 1/2 years ago.
Moved to Texas.
Then I had a baby boy 1 1/2 years ago.
And then I had a baby girl 6 months ago.

Most of my day consists of holding babies, changing babies, feeding babies, trying to get babies asleep, disciplining babies (more on that later), and every now and then cleaning house or taking a shower.
I love every minute of my life. Even the hard times. Even the sleepless nights. Even the long days. But God has taught me so much! These are just a few things I've learned in almost 3 years.

1. A woman needs a husband that is so different from her that he actually compliments the areas that she fails/lacks in. It seems that we (women) are often attracted to men that are very much like you in personality, likes, etc. At least, that's how it was for me. Instead, I'm finding more and more that my husband fills the areas that I lack in the most. I could write a whole blog on our differences. I might just do that.

2. I can live away from my family, church, work and friends that I've known my whole life. I thought I would be lonely and have nothing to do all day. And God gave me a wonderful church, lots of hospitable, caring friends and two babies to keep me busier than I've ever been.

3. I've got to have a 3rd point. Kind of like all good sermons have 3 points and a poem, right?
I am selfish. I always thought that I was pretty giving. Always available to help a friend out, watch some kids, give a mom a break, clean, cook, build something, etc. But since I've become a mom, I realize that I'm pretty selfish about things I want/need to do. It's hard to remember that the dishes will still be there when a boy needs you to read him a book. It's hard to stop in the middle of ironing to play with someone. It's hard to forget about that shower when your baby just want to be held.
I'm nurturing a soul and the most important thing, right now, is caring for these kids and raising them to love the Lord with all their heart, mind and strength. How can I get upset about dishes and clothes when I just have a short time with these babies? That's something I'm working on. Remembering that I can wait. I'll never get this time back with them. 

Have I mentioned that I love my life? I do. I really wouldn't want it any other way.

So here's the restart of my blog. A jumbled mess of thoughts because that's my life right now. Jumbled, but beautiful.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


I was catching up on some friends' blogs, wondering why they haven't updated since 2010 (?!). And then it hit me. I haven't updated my blog since 2010. And a lot has happened since then!

It wasn't long after my last blog that The Institute For Creation Research came to Birmingham for a Creation conference...and one of their speakers came to our church to speak as well.

I married him. And we're expecting our first child. :)

Thinking back on the last few years got me thinking even further back to my single years.

It seemed so hard being single at first, especially when you're barely into your 20's.
-You go out with all your friends thinking they might have a mutual friend that's "the one".
-You find time in the week to go to singles groups with other churches. Some are good...some are meat markets...I've got stories.
-You sign up online. Despite that sickening feeling in your stomach that this just does not seem right for me, and boy, do I look desperate. (that ended before it hardly started)
-Family and friends are always trying to set you up, saying things like:
          "His mother says that he's such a sweet guy!"
          "He has a great personality."

          "I've only met him a few times, but he seems nice."
          "I don't think he's related to us?"

Regardless, one or all of those ways may have worked out for you or for someone you know, but not for me. Something changed (though I can't tell you exactly when). Some would say that I gave up. Others said that I wasn't trying enough. But I can tell you what really happened.

I decided to pray about it in a different way. Instead of practically begging God to send me someone, why not align myself with His will and use my single life to serve Him? I had such a desire to be a wife and mother, but if that wasn't what God would have for my life how do I pray?

So I prayed one of the hardest prayers I've ever had to pray. I asked the Lord to take away that desire to be wife/mother if that wasn't His will for me. I still remember how very, VERY hard that was.
     The first time I prayed that, I immediately took it back. Kind of like a "not really"..."I didn't mean it".
     The second time...same thing, making sure that I didn't actually pray it out loud. For some reason out loud seems more real.

     But the more I prayed the more I knew that I had to give over my desires and ask God what He would have for me. And it got easier.

I can't explain the contentment I felt. Knowing that I was free from trying to make work what I wanted to work and instead, letting Him do a work in me--so sweet!

And what's even sweeter is that God never took that desire from me. I still had it. It just wasn't always on my mind.

I suppose you're thinking that it's easy for me to say all this now that I'm married and expecting. I can truthfully say that it was easy for me to say when I typed my last blog. So many just assume you aren't content and can't be content unless you're married. But I know better. 

It still frustrates me to hear 18, 20, 22 year olds saying that they'll never get married. Ever. So dramatic.
But I try to remember those days and how hard it was. When you've found contentment and peace in God and His will, those days are kind of a blur, you know. 

I encourage you, dear single friend. Give over your desires and be used. It's a sweet, sweet time.

And I'll try...really keep up on my blogging. :)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Our Sweet Chet

Chet Wood has gone on to her reward. She was one of the spunkiest women I've met, but she loved her Lord, her family and that order.

She and her husband had a calling on their lives to spread the Gospel through a tape ministry and that they did well. The Gospel has been spread, through the messages on tape, throughout this country and who knows how many others. She made sure that if there was a good message preached that she had it on tape to share with others.
I have fond memories of her signing my name up for a message preached when I wasn't there and hunting me down to personally give me my tape. I laugh when I think about how she and Bug would take up the paper that you could sign up for before Bill (another saint gone on to glory) could get back there to sign his name and he would run after them to make sure his name was on there. It got to be a competition to see who could get to that paper first for them. I miss those three.

She never hesitated to pray for her family and to ask for prayer if there was a need. She loved her daughter and son. She loved her grandchildren. It was obvious.
She loved her church family too and they loved her right back. You couldn't help it. There wasn't a Sunday that she didn't hug my neck and kiss my face. I would look for her just to get that hug and kiss. Even when I helped cut their grass, I would still get a hug and matter how dirty I was.
I can vividly remember her looking up at our pastor, placing her hand on his face and thanking him for the message. She did that often. Oh, how she loved the men of God who brought the Word! Not just our current pastor but even our founding pastor. When he would visit she never failed to tell him how much he meant to her.

She also loved politics, good politics. She spent countless hours searching for men of God who desired to bring the country back to a nation built on the Word of God. She prayed for them and sent out email after email to all of us letting us know who these men were.
I remember coming to her house to cut her yard one summer day and there she was, outside with a man who looked a bit uncomfortable. He was going door to door "politicing" (as she would say) and didn't know that Ms Chet knew her stuff and she was giving him all she had, encouraging him to run for office and do what was right in the eyes of the Lord. Bug had long since gone back in the house because Chet had it handled. That poor guy looked ready to leave but she wasn't through with him. I think he was never glad to see people cutting a yard as much as he did that day. I just pray that her words of wisdom to that lost soul was a seed planted.

But that's what we have now. Just memories until one day when we too can see our Saviour face to face. Chet longed for this day. She would say "I can't wait to get to heaven to see my Saviour and be reunited with my Bug." She loved her husband but she loved her Saviour more. What a Godly woman we had in our midst and I'll miss her. Oh, how I miss her. But I wouldn't wish her back for one instant and will patiently wait the day when I too will see my Saviour and be reunited with those I love.

Chet Wood was Godly, classy and absolutely lovely. I love you, Ms Chet. Until we meet again...

Sunday, August 8, 2010

What Does It Mean To Be Saturated In The Word?

Is it just to read your Bible every day?

Is it to memorize familiar verses?

Is praying on occasion enough?


is it to be so full of the Word that it consumes my thoughts, pours out of my mouth, overflows into my actions and interrupts my daily duties on this earth.
How can I feel the love of God "underneath me, all around me" if I don't study the only book that points me to that love? How can I have hope if I'm not grabbing at the only book that offers hope? How can I have joy if I don't read the book that shows me Who died to give me that joy?

Lord, may I yearn to be in Your Word. Saturated, so that Your love, hope, joy pours out to those around me.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Motorized Mania

So I go to Walmart every so often.

Fine. I go like 2-3 times a week. I have needs.

I'm starting to see a trend when it comes to the motorized carts that they provide for the HANDICAP, ILL, ELDERLY. (I placed them in large letters in case you misunderstood the purpose of the carts.)

They are for those who can't walk, or can't walk for long distances.

They are not for:
-pregnant women
-teenagers or anyone who cannot drive a car, buy cigarettes/alcohol or even vote.
-convenience because you've had a hard day at work and don't feel like walking.

As I walked through the store just a few weeks ago, I was literally nearly run down by one of those carts. She barely missed me. The driver...a girl who couldn't even have been even 14 years old. I gave her my standard dirty look of "Hey. Watch where your goin' chick!" and went on my way.

I round another corner, and she comes flying by AGAIN and almost hits me AGAIN.

Unfortunately, I speak before I think. A lot. So I said, "I have a feeling that you don't really need to be on that thing. Are you disabled? Does your mother know your driving around here like that? What if you hit a child? You need to get off that and I mean now."

She smiles at me with such a sickeningly "I don't care what you think" smile and flies off.

Since I spoke so kindly to her, she went to tell her mother...who was also riding a cart AND her younger brother, who brought up the rear on his. They followed me all. over. the store thinking they intimidated me, I guess. I did mention to the young girl that I was going to find a manager since she obviously had no disability except disrespect and laziness. Not one manager was to be found! How convenient. *insert sarcasm*

I don't know if you can tell, but this really gets my goat. Three motorized carts driven by three inconsiderate people who couldn't care less that someone might really need one.

What is this world coming to?!

And then to top it off!...we saw a pregnant lady riding on one today. She happened to be our patient, so I know for a fact that she did NOT have any disabilitating issues and she wasn't even close to term.

Call me naive and misinformed, but the last I checked carrying an unborn child did not deem you disabled.

The moral of this bog...don't ride unless you got a reason. Period.

I will call you out.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Key

Hello blog. It's been a while.

A lot has been going on in this past year, but what weighs heaviest on my mind is the diagnosis of cancer, metastisized cancer, in my dear pastor's wife.
Not only is Colleen my pastor's wife, but she's my long-time friend. A woman that is very much like my sister/aunt and has been for most of my life...long before she was my "pastor's wife". I knew her newly married, when kids where just a prayer on her lips. I saw her in the hospital with each of her four girls. I have cried and laughed along with her. I knew her when holidays were exciting because "Mark and Colleen were coming over!". She was family to us, to me. She still is.

But I struggled with the diagnosis of metastisized cancer. And I had no idea the range of emotions I would experience, or the lessons I would learn/be learning.

For me, it started with shock. You just don't know what to think, when to think.You don't know how to pray. I told myself that I was acceptant of God's will but these little spurts doubt kept creeping in. It wasn't long before I started getting angry whenever I would talk about it or think about it or pray about it. But I couldn't figure out who I was angry at, or why.

There was no way I was angry at Mark or Colleen because they bathe every decision in prayer and seek God's will for all they do. I couldn't be angry at God...or so I thought. I found myself saying that I was angry at cancer. But if you think about it, that makes no sense.

Coming to realize where my anger originated, who it was against, repentance, contentment, peace came one night at church when someone spoke of reading Pilgrim's Progress with their family.

In Pilgrim's Progress, Christian ends up in Doubting Castle which was guarded by the Giant Despair. Christian had no hope for escape and only death to look forward to. But he remembered that he had a key called Promise that he kept in his bosom and it would unlock any door.

It took remembering that small part of a book (my favorite part, might I add), to show me that I was angry at God. Angry that He would allow Colleen to have cancer. Angry that it wasn't found sooner. Angry that it had metastized. Angry that their therapies didn't work. Angry that it wasn't me even.

I was just plain mad. Completely pushing against the will of God.

Now, you ask, what does any of this have to do with doubting castle and the key of Promise.

God allowed them to go through such a valley to show me that I had locked myself in a castle of despair. My anger was nothing more than pride and it locked me into despair that went much deeper than my anger.

How did I get there? How did I get from contentment to anger so quickly? I still don't know but I'll consider it a lesson learned, a valley that has taken me back to mountains of peace.

And even more good news!!!

We too have the Key of Promise. Promises that He will never leave us or forsake us. Promises that all is for His glory and our good. Promises of healing, whether on this earth on in heaven. Promises of eternity with no diseases, including the most terrible disease of sin.

What a relief to know His will will be done and I can honestly say that's good enough for me.